Friday, March 3, 2017

Shattered Dreams

My publisher Tate Publishing is going out of business. My second book in the Oregon Kids series was being published. It had gotten through editing. The editor said, "Reading your story for me was a breath of fresh air. I made minimal edits as it is already very well written. I appreciate how it teaches a valuable lesson on honesty. I think children will enjoy and learn much from your work." I was very pleased to have such a review before the book was even published. My personal friend and editor thought the second book was better than the first.

My first book was receiving excellent reviews. Most authors don't sell 50 books. I was already beyond that. Parents were using my book the help teach values to their children. I was so excited and grateful.

Now, the second book may never be published. I must begin a new search for a publisher or pursue self-publishing. My dream of having all the books in the series published has been shattered. I had a lifetime contract with Tate. Now Tate has defaulted on that contract. I've never received any royalties for books sold. I never received my personal hardcover copies.

I still hold onto the fact that "All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28. Good will yet come out of this. Shattered dreams can be reborn with a new hope. The dream may alter a bit, but will ultimately be realized in the way God originally envisioned it, not the way I envisioned it.  Naomi and Ruth had shattered dreams but God restored their dream in ways unexpected and unanticipated. Ruth 4:13-14 Job had shattered dreams but his later years were more blessed than his former years. Job 42:12 My hope remains in the Lord.